
A postural support is only as reliable as the standards-tested Bodypoint hardware that holds it to the chair.

Watch the Bodypoint Mounting Hardware Kit video to see how to choose the best mounting option at the time of installation. 
Hardware Products
Evoflex® Belt Extender
Evoflex® Belt Extender


Plastic Flat-Mount™
Plastic Flat-Mount™


End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 1 Pair
End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 1 Pair


End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 10 Pair
End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 10 Pair


End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 50 Pair
End-Fitting Kit, Pkg 50 Pair


End-Fitting Kit, Flat-Mount
End-Fitting Kit, Flat-Mount


Plastic Cinch-Mount™
Plastic Cinch-Mount™


End-Fitting Kit, Cinch-Mount
End-Fitting Kit, Cinch-Mount


T-Slot Fastener Kit
T-Slot Fastener Kit


Shoulder Harness Strap Guides
Shoulder Harness Strap Guides


Fastener Pack, Permobil Corpus
Fastener Pack, Permobil Corpus


Top Strap, Front-Pull
Top Strap, Front-Pull
